Sunday, November 8, 2015

Cy Vance Dirty Corrupt DA has 800 Million $ to give away GPS the money and get Cy Flash Boys Vance Out of office maybe in to jail

Running ticker where does money go - how is it spent - rumor is giving it to NYPD but we know DA NYPD Internal Affairs do not have Public Trust  full transparency like a GPS for money because so many of them are thieves and crooks and dishonest making backroom deals just like Sheldon silver and they're still holding onto their jobs above accountability including I am alleging NYPD like Chief Chuck Dowd as 1 example 911 and First Net and he wasn't alone full accountability across the boards every department every agency.

Do you trust Cy Vance and the NYPD ? Freeze the money until Cy and Bratton out!  Cy falsely prosecuted Thabo Sefolosha NBA star, Joe Jazz Hayden, GS Prigrammer Flash Boys, huge # OWS protestors including Michael Premo found not guilty like Thabo!

Freeze money cy Vance has until cy Vance and Bratton out and public trust earned!!!

Cy Vance watched the video we watched of Thabo an NBA player
 having his leg being broken by an NYPD officer crazy wrong violence like the hole in my retina from a running punch at the doctors office another serious crime and a dirty DA fixed it in both cases and Internal Affairs Drugs their excess Reese to crimes in both cases and how many more Along with dirty DAs like Cy Vance, Charles Hynes, Dan Donovan Eric Garner Case, richard brown Adrian Schoolcraft Case Brown would not put top cops in front of a jury.
Cy Vance offered Thabo Slave for a Day for an NYPD  Crime and cy Vance's wants a retro raise  that would help him another dirty DAs!!!

Cy Vance offered Thabo Slave for a Day for an NYPD  Crime and cy Vance's wants a retro raise  that would help him another dirty DAs!!!  Thabo has committed no crime like my case my attacker and NYPD Guilty Cy protected crimes! Cy falsely prosecuted Thabo do you trust Cy?

Cy Vance could've prosecuted 911 Tech crooks  but it would also mean
 Protecting top brass NYPD and top officials nyc gov.!

Did Mark Guma and Cy Vance break campaign laws?

Cy Vance  as falsely prosecuted and threaten more innocent people than any DA in the shortest amount of time he's been there he needs to resign or be fired and invited like Charles Hynes!!!

Cy Vance will be far more excoriated in Flash Boys the film than the book.  The GS programmer suing the FBI agent.

 We need a new commission into NYPD internal affairs in DA corruption so we can testify against all of them and  send them to jail

Cy Vance is dirty anywhere he sends that money it's got to have a forensic audit a full public transparency -- accounting of what's happening to it on all websites ditto for the NYPD, 911 tech system, board of elections, 311, corporate counsel defense cases they should not I want an accounting on their website where does all the money go why are they defending cases a running ticker how much they're costing taxpayers.

@suzannahbtroy: @suzannahbtroy DA raises include retroraises! Donovan would get a retroraise along w/ Hynes Cy DA brown who fixed for chief Marino indict em

Cyrus Vance wants to give NYPD money - he had fixed NYPD internal affairs crimes GPS that money!!! Dirty DA 

 Let's have a running ticker GPS for taxpayer money GPS for any and all money where is it going New York State New York City government including corporate counsel in New York City go of that defense cases we do not support being defended including NYPD internal affairs and dirty DA corruption. 

Marcia Kramer  says the media represents us the people that's not true they been killing stories protecting corrupt politicians back by wealthy interests including some media outlets - their financial dealings -  we mostly don't have a media exposed and corruption giving politicians free reign to abuse their power Sheldon silvers one of how many hearing state and city of New York in the please department getting kickbacks? 

Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel aggrieved but my Constitutional rights not violated r u kidding?
Please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 
@suzannahbtroy: @OccupyWallSt Cy Vance 800 Milion$ to give to NYPD cy falsely prosecuted the most innocent People shortest time #OWS 
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.  

Cy Vance had an ADA offer NBA star Thabo slave for the day since he committed no crime but NYPD did Cy Vance protected NYPD crimes in my case too.   Read about DA intern too afraid to report sexual assault...

I discovered 3 years and aprox 2 days after 0ct 22, 2015 John Vergona verbally violently threatened me over the phone committed the crime of coercion a crime lied in police reports a crime threatened me a crime with Andy Dwyer whose identity was hidden from me that they are Facebook friends along with PO Eugene Schatz  who was verbally violent aggressive with me on behalf of the Mercer Hotel pre Vergona find for Dr Fagelman a few blocks away in Soho see video below so therefore it appears corrupt dirty NYPD Vergona was also retaliating against me for his Facebook friend Eugene Schatz, and Schatz's partner Tommy Moran privy to all. 

Maybe they all went out for a drink at the bar the first precinct hangs out at rather than  go home to their family and had a good laugh maybe with Ed Winski about committing a series of crimed including coercion, threatening me lying to police reports witness tampering threatening a victim of a violent crime for wealthy Dr like the Mercer Hotel calls 1800 fix it? Dr Andrew Fagelman  didn't fire his violent liar employee she's just like the dirty corrupt cops violent liars too. 

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.  

When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny and the need for new commission into NYPD Internal Affairs corruption I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status and his corrupted ADA would run to replace Dan Donovan who made sure no NYPD would be prosecuted for Eric Garner's death and Illuzzi as corrupt.

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